October 22, 2007

Christian Broadcasting News wants to know why you will vote for Ron Paul

Christian Broadcasting News - Web Extra!

If the 2008 presidential election was held tomorrow, who would you vote for?

Rudy Giuliani, Mike Huckabee, Duncan Hunter, Ron Paul, Mitt Romney, Tom Tancredo, Fred Thompson? Maybe you would vote for a Democrat perhaps? Or write in your own candidate?

Maybe you haven't made a decision. After all, the election is still a little more than a year away.
But for thousands of voters in Florida, the answer is. ? Well, there is not one clear winner, but if you took a close listen to some of the people outside the GOP debate Sunday night, you might say Giuliani, but then again you could say Ron Paul.

So, if the election was held tomorrow, who would you vote for?

Tell me why, and I might post your response in a future article.

E-mail me at :RobinCBN@gmail.com.

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