October 24, 2007

Writer at Lone Star Times frequents racist websites, admits to harassing phone calls

As you can see here, the Lone Star Times can't be trusted as the writer frequently visits and uses screenshots from a supposedly racist website. They've also admitted that the managing editor makes repeated harassing phone calls to the Ron Paul campaign. Ron Paul has spoken repeatedly about his views on racism and from what I can see has no need or moral responsibility to respond to a request from someone who obviously and admittedly frequents racist websites.

The Lone Star Times also seems to advocate persecution of individuals, and groups, for thought crimes. Apparently, even though the named targets of their illogical bashing have not been proven to have committed any crimes against any person, they are not entitled to their own thoughts and opinions.

Also, what's up with the domain servers for LST being listed as davidbenzion.com? LST was registered through Domains by Proxy which hides further info. Davidbenzion.com takes you to an empty wordpress blog.

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